…of my thoughts

Hey, Fate, relax for one moment! I understand that there are lessons to give, moments of experience and people to meet, but this is coming to me little more.

At the moment when I dare to think that I can rest and that soon I will do not have a meeting with you, you come with a bang and crash, without any care how unprepared I am. And other side – when I feel the need you to appear, to save me from my own inhibitions and to change my life – you are gone! But why? I do not understand your methods, but frankly, I’m tired of trying to figure them out. People say ,that everything is for good and soon or later your wisdom happen clear to everyone. But sometimes I have the feeling that after all surprises, who shocked me so much ,more and more, I have failed to understand what their meaning is. Apparently, it seems to me that nothing else but to accept your actions and to deal with the consequences as far as I can.

But I still hope that under your leadership one day I will get where I must to be – already understanding and happy.